June 8-14
June 15-21

Registration opens November 7th, 10 am


Our partners in Mexico and Ghana work with the poor, the orphaned, and freed slaves. Join us to work with and learn from these communities.

Authentic Service

Swing a hammer, write in a journal, work up a sweat, smile at someone, create something helpful with others for others, be open, experience the counter-intuitive joy of giving.

Community Engagement

We put down deep roots in the communities we serve. Partner with and learn from indigenous leaders and champion their work.

Spirit of Reciprocity

Care and honor the people both giving and receiving service. Our goal is to be unable to tell who is serving and who is being served, through serving each other equally.

Journey of Discovery

We discover more of who we are and where we fit in the world when we take our eyes off ourselves and serve and learn from others. We aim to provide space for you to breathe and process what you’re learning about yourself, others, God and this world.


Step into the life you were born to live

Be2Live offers service and learning experiences for people to grow into who they were created to be, offering a safe place to serve, explore the deeper things of life, ask hard questions, and breathe while partnering with organizations already doing the hard work of justice.

Since 2010, we have facilitated service and learning trips for over 2,000 students, adults, and families. We partner with local organizations and ministries serving their local community. Our goal is to work with them, under their leadership, to help further their vision and mission in caring for their community. We are not the saviors, just the humble servants willing to do what needs to be done and to learn more about faith, life, and this world from those we serve with on our trips.

Authentic Service

Partner with indigenous leaders and champion their work by serving and encouraging them.

Hands on Education

Learn about justice issues through the eyes of those directly impacted and leaders of those on the front lines.


Discover more about the world, yourself, others, and God. It’s not just about what we do but who we become in the process.

Everyone is Valued

Contribute to the conversation. No matter who you are, what you have, what you believe, where you are from, you and your voice are important.

Intentional Practices

Break from the busy-ness and practice being present, observant and available.

Go Deep

Wrestle with the harder justice questions. Why are there slaves? Why is there cyclical poverty? If God is love, why is there so much bad in the world?


Make a difference in the world and change your life! Join us in Mexico and Ghana.

Be2Live Gallery

Take a look at photos & videos from our experiences.

Mexico: A Student Perspective

By Julia M.

Mexico: Our Service Project

By Nicole S.


We love hearing about your student and sharing more about how our experiences can influence their perspective.

Please ask your questions. We won’t share or sell your information.