Why you shouldn’t be thankful!

I love Thanksgiving. It is one of my favorite times of the year. It brings back such great memories of my growing up years in northwest Ohio. Family, food, and football on those cold and crisp Thursday afternoons. Plus my uncles snoring on the couches watching football games. But there is something that bothers me…

Who are you following?

In this life, whether we realize it or not, we follow someone or something. We either follow celebrities, political figures, social media feeds, or ourselves. But we are following someone and it is important to stop and consider do we like the direction we are going. Maybe a better question, do we like the person…

The Be2Live 10 – Enough

We are starting a new season of The Be2Live Hope Givers Podcast. In this new season, we are doing short 10-minute podcasts to challenge you, encourage you, and give hope for your day. Have you ever felt as though you weren’t enough for someone’s love or acceptance? Have you ever thought you had to earn…