Service Internships

Custom Cost Depending on Duration

Summer 2020

Youth Ministry, Missions, Social Media

Use your talents and passions to serve others

There is not better feeling than when you are able to use your gifts, talents, and passions for others. We are always looking for the best and brightest college or former college students to intern with us to sharpen their skills in youth minitry, missions, social media, or inter-cultural studies.

Depending on the duration of the internship we will spend time helping you discover more of who you are, your strengths, and gifts. We will put you in positions to lead and learn.

Work alongside our amazing staff for the summer as we serve high school students and the people in Mexico and Ghana.


  • Help support and run a short-term service trip.
  • Be equipped for the next phase of your life, ministry, or work.
  • Get an in-depth look, training, and understanding of today’s youth culture.
  • Experience life in a cross-cultural setting.
  • Take time to consider justice issues in our world today, immigration, cyclical poverty, orphan care, and modern day slavery.
  • Spend time considering and discovering God’s call on your life.
  • We have internships for youth ministry, social media, intercultural and social justice.


Where are we going?

Our Be2Live Internships are mainly focused in La Mision Mexico. A small town just an hour south of the U.S. Mexico border right along the Pacific Ocean. If time and resources allow, we will spend 12 days in Ghana.

Where are we staying?

We will be staying at Door of Faith Orphanage (, or the Steiner Casa (in La Mision).

How long are the internships?

Internships can last anywhere from one week to two months. Our internships are mainly over the summer June-July. But if you are interested in a longer internship or an internship in the fall, winter or spring, please contact us. We are always looking for amazing people to work along side us.

What will we do?

Interns will be asked to help lead our week-long youth service trips by building relationships with the students, co-leading small groups and work projects. Interns will also provide behind the scenes support to help make the trip successful for the students.


If you intern for longer than one week, we will spend time helping you uncover more of who you are and your unique leadership gift. We will also spend time discussing and wrestling with complex justice issues.

Are there any pre-requisites?

Yes. You will need to fill out an application and if over 18 years old, pass a background check. We are also looking for interns who are seriously looking to grow and be stretched as you will be asked to do a lot of different things.

What are the intern expectations?

In order to make this trip the best experience for you and everyone else who is going there are some expectations, everyone will need to commit to. These expectations are necessary to ensure fun, safe and effective internships.

It is important to be a team player.
An attitude of flexibility will be very beneficial. Flexico Mexico!  During the trip you will be expected to hold to the following “Rule of Thumb”:

Work hard and do what is asked

No guy/girl pairing off

No drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or firearms

No guys in girl’s dorm and vice versa

Electronic use (cell phones, computers, etc.) will be very limited.

There is also a moderate dress code for the community in which we will love and serve.

During the trip, as leaders, we will be the last ones to bed and the first ones up.

An attitude of serving others first. Leaders eat, shower, last.

How will I know what to expect?

If your internship application is accepted we will set up an interview to go over further details of the internship.

What expenses can I expect?

The cost of the internship depends on the duration of your internship. One week is typical $700 and monthly is $1500. This will include all lodging, food, and in-country transportation. It will not include any extra food (taco shops), or fun excursions.

Do you offer scholarships?

We do not have any scholarships available for internships. But we can help you with fundraising.


We can’t wait for you to join us!

Please call or email us with any questions you have about Be2Live. We will be in touch to answer any questions you have about the experience. 

Have any questions? Contact us!