Day One June 9-15

Yesterday was a great travel day. After meeting everyone at the airport we stopped at Costco for some supplies and lunch. We then crossed the border. The border crossing was smooth with no issues. We drove along the southern side of the wall. There are actually two large walls between Tijuana and San Diego. On…

Friday June 2-8 (Last Blog)

This is our last full day here in Mexico. Tomorrow we will pack up, clean up and head out. It has been a great and full week. These students have accomplished so much in a short amount of time. So much, we ran out of work today. This morning we worked a half day and…

Thursday Blog June 2-8

This week broadened my view not only of Mexico, but people in general. Coming on the trip, I wasn’t sure what was going to happen and was pleasantly surprised when I discovered new friends and experiences that I will never forget. This trip helped me look deeper into the lives of those who are less…

Day 3 June 2-8

Hey Everyone!! First, let me say that these students have been working really hard. Today they woke up with soar and tight muscles, but in great spirits and having a lot of meaningful fun. The people we are working with have been so grateful for the work and dedication of your students. You would be…

Day 3 June 2-8

Day 3 – June 2-8 Unlike yesterday morning, everyone was moving a little slower this morning. It took a little more umph to get the students out of bed and going. They have all been great and working hard. Today was another good day of service and conversation. Team Canyon – We had two teams…

June 2-8 Day One

Day one – June 2-8 Today was a great and easy travel day. Plane was on time, van pick up was easy, the Costco stop was short and the border crossing was one of the easiest we have had in a while. One of the things that is always interesting is student’s response from crossing…

Big News from Be2Live

Be2Live is excited to announce that Shane and Amanda Burge have joined our Be2Live staff. The Burges arrived in La Mision, Mexico on May 27th after driving their family (Micah 10 and Isaiah 9) across country from Indiana arriving just in time for our next three back to back to back Mexico trips with 150…

The Myth of the “Best” College

It’s that time of year again where seniors are beginning to decide on what college or university they want to attend. They begin narrowing their choices from their “stretch” schools to their “perfect” schools to their “backups.” Unlike me who narrowed my college choice to 5, seniors today are applying to 10-15 or more colleges…