June 23

This morning we were wok up to beautiful fog over the mountains and chilly air. Later we heard thunder and it even rained a little. After breakfast and our solitude time, we headed to three work sites… La Mision – We had a big crew of students head to La Mision to finish the concrete…

June 22

Today was an early morning for the boys. They woke up and had breakfast at 7 am before heading up the hill from Carlos’ house to gather rocks to fill in for the foundation of his house. They were asked to move the rocks into large piles so a backhoe and dump truck could take…

June 21

This morning we woke up to a nice cool foggy breeze. But it didn’t take long for the fog to burn off and get hot. After breakfast and our solitude time we divided into four workgroups: La Mision – We are in the process of preparing a concrete (20×24) foundation for a family. About two…

June 20-26

Today was a great trip south. Our flight out of SFO was delayed about 1 hour. After landing in San Diego we grabbed lunch and then headed south. We drove across the border into Mexico. The immediate change driving across the border can be a little disorienting as everything changes so fast, houses, roads, people.…

June 18

This was our last full day here in Mexico. The students have worked hard and played hard. This morning we divided into three worksites and finished what we could to get our projects further along for next week’s group. Then for lunch, we all went to a local taco shop for some of the best…

June 17

Good evening…I apologize for the late post. This morning we woke up to fog and a nice cool morning. We divided into our three worksites and headed out for a great day of work. La Mision – We finished leveling the dirt to start pouring the slab for next week’s group. As we were planning…

June 16

Still Hot! Today started off nice and cool. We were able to watch the fog blow in from the coast and cool things down. The views from the orphanage are amazing! We continued on three worksites today: La Mision house the students continued to prepare the footers for a concrete slab. They had to literally…

June 15th Update

Hot, Hot, Hot, oh…and Hot! The last two days have been some of the hottest days this year. The evenings have been nice and cool, as long as you are not on the top bunk. The students have worked really hard despite the sun.   This morning students were a little bit slower out of…

June 13-14

Thank you everyone for getting your students to the airport on Sunday. We have a great trip to San Diego.   After grabbing lunch, we crossed the border to Tijuana Playas. Driving across the border from San Diego to Tijuana is quite a sudden change. The road we travel goes west along the border wall.…