Human Trafficking Across Borders – Alma Tucker of INH

Like Las Vegas, what happens in Tijuana stays in Tijuana, especially as it relates to sex trafficking. There is a place in Tijuana that is known as the “zone of tolerance” where authorities turn a blind eye to what happens here. Sex trafficking in Tijuana because this is where a first would country borders a…


Setting Captives Free – Jocelyn White of IJM

From the beginning, Be2Live has worked to bring awareness and action to fighting modern-day slavery and human trafficking. Be2Live has facilitated a justice conference, student leadership academies, and other events to bring awareness to the community. This month The Hope Givers Podcast will be talking with people who are on the front lines of combating…


Millennials in Their Own Words – Motivation and Hope

This season’s podcast of Millennials in Their Own Words has been about breaking stereotypes of the Millennial generation. Millennials have shared their important thoughts and perspective about money, school, stress, justice issues, and many more topics. In this final podcast of season 2, Aidan, Paulina, Nick, and Heather share what motivates them and what gives them…


Millennials In Their Own Words – Work

Have you ever been frustrated by millennials at work? Have you ever wondered what their values and perspectives are of work? Or if you are a Millennial, do you wonder if others think as you do? Then this podcast is for you! Whether we know it or not or agree with them, Millennials have different…


Gen Z In their own Words – Final

In this last episode of Gen Z in their own words students share what they need from their parents as well as where do they find their hope. With a world that feels like chaos, these students challenge us where to find hope.

How Do We Parent This Gen Z Generation? – Ben Kerns

What do our teenagers need from us? Should we allow our students to fail? How much should we do as parents to clear the way of success for our students? What does this generation have that the past generations didn’t have? Parenting teenagers can be a challenge. But parenting through a pandemic, with online school,…
